Reader reviews are great (and I would love more of them!), but to be reviewed by historical societies and other professionals is particularly special.
Take a look at these to help you decide if Lies That Blind is YOUR next read.

Here is their review of my novel:
Lies that Blind: A Novel of Late 18th Century Penang by E.S. Alexander is a compelling historical fiction novel inspired by the real-life events of the founding of Penang in the late 18th century. Seeking fame and fortune, aspiring journalist, Jim Lloyd, follows Captain Francis Light to a new trading settlement in Penang. However, what he discovers when he gets there is far from expected. Mounting tensions between Penang’s owner, Sultan Abdullah of Queda, and Light, threaten the safety and peace of the island, while deceit, corruption and privacy flourish to put thousands of lives at risk. The overall plot line is original and compelling from the start with Alexander’s writing as descriptive, articulate and well-paced as ever. The characters have been well developed and bring interest and complexity to the story—a feature that sets this book apart from others in its genre. For readers interested in an original historical fiction novel filled with adventure and unexpected twists and turns, this book is for you. – Review by Book Excellence (
Kirkus Reviews concludes with this wonderful line (you can read the full review here):

And the Historical Novel Society had this to say about Lies That Blind (full coverage in their May 2022 magazine):

Have you read my novel, Lies That Blind, yet? What would your review say? Please leave even a one-liner at,,, Kinokuniya Malaysia or Singapore, or Goodreads.
Many thanks for your time and trouble xxx